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Echoes of Environment and Digitalisation

- a youth exchange for young people -

- in Vienna, Austria from 01 to 08 November 2024 -

A major challenge we face today is the overwhelming amount of misinformation surrounding climate change. Additionally, the current methods of learning about environmental issues are often not engaging or stimulating enough to captivate people's attention. Environmental awareness and the actions necessary to help heal our planet—such as combating pollution, recycling, supporting local activities, and addressing bad habits like littering—are frequently seen as distant problems that don’t directly affect our daily lives. This perceived detachment creates the illusion that our sphere of influence is limited and the dangers of climate change are remote, leading to a lack of urgency in taking action. However, modern technology, particularly immersive tools and audio guides, offers an opportunity to change this perception. These technologies have the power to bring environmental problems closer to home, making them feel more immediate and relevant. Through immersive experiences and site-specific interventions, along with the wide-reaching impact of podcasts, audio storytelling, and interactive guides, we can create compelling narratives that not only raise awareness about environmental issues but also engage people in finding solutions. This project aims to harness the power of immersive artistic experiences and interactive storytelling to shine a light on pressing environmental issues. By developing interactive audio guides, we will explore environmental topics together, becoming both creators and learners in the process. Through this collaborative approach, we can foster a deeper connection to the environment and inspire meaningful actions to help protect and preserve it. How cool is it to create your own Audio-guide about an environmental issue?.


The program has been thoughtfully crafted based on extensive research and the expressed needs and challenges of young people, including their time constraints and diverse learning preferences. It is designed to be adaptable, adjusting to the learning styles and needs of the participants throughout the duration of the project. The project unfolds in three main stages:

Initial Preparation: Participants engage in a variety of activities and exercises designed to prepare them for the core experiences of the project.

Exchange Mobility: Participants attend a 6-day event in Vienna, where they collaborate with peers from partner organizations, engaging in intensive learning and networking activities.

Follow-Up: Participants return to their local communities to implement projects, applying what they have learned to make a tangible impact.

The aims and objectives of this project were:

  • Develop critical transversal skills (both personal and professional) to meaningfully and actively engage in climate action, empowering participants to take initiative and make impactful contributions.

  • Leverage audio guides as an innovative digital tool to create immersive and interactive learning experiences, enhancing our engagement, sense of initiative, and active participation in climate action.

  • Engage in holistic experiential learning that cultivates cognitive, practical, and social competencies in sustainability, empowering participants to connect theory with practice in their everyday lives.



  • young person 18-25 years old, resident in one of the partner countries (Latvia, Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Austria, Slovakia, Serbia, and Slovenia);
  • Participants from Austria can be between 15 and 25;

  • able to communicate confidently in English;

  • willing to experience a week of reconnecting to nature, learning about urban agriculture, and planning to implement changes in order to live better, healthier, and more sustainably;

  • willing to commit to preparation and follow-up period;

  • No previous experience in Erasmus+ or sustainable development is needed.

  • We will select 4 young people from each country +1 group leader of any age.

  • The group leader can be up to 30 years old.

  • The oldest person in the group must be the group leader.

  • You must commit to full participation during the whole activity and sessions.

  • Demonstrate commitment to European values and principles and respect for diversity.

  • Motivated to cooperate with other participants to leverage the overall impact.


- The youth exchange is "fully" funded!
- It is financed by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+.
- The hostel, training, materials, meals, and transport are covered to the determined limits.
- Participants are required to book their own transport (flights, busses, trains) to and from Vienna and we will refund the eligible costs to you after your successful participation.
- Only selected persons can book their tickets, after our advice!
- The refund of travel costs is after the implementation of the local follow-up initiative.

- The coordinator and host are not responsible for any charges or payments the participants have to do to the sending organisation.


- You should attend the entire activity from 1 to 8 November 2024 (including travel).
- You should engage in all preparation and follow-up activities.
- You should fill out the form before 20 October 2024 (Initial deadline).
- You should sign the participation agreement once selected, within a period of three days.
- You should purchase your travel tickets within five days of signing the agreement.


- Applications will be reviewed and accepted based on motivation and eligibility.

- More details such as preparatory tasks will be shared after selection via email.

- You will receive a YouthPass certificate on the last day of the training.

October (in various stages)

1. Nov to 8 Nov (in Vienna, Austria)

Nov and Dec 2024 (local implementation of follow-up initiatives)

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